Organizations and E-Services Compliance Status

Certification Number Name Status Scheme
10022 ORYX GTL Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10021 Ministry of Finance Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10020 Qatar Public Prosecution Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10019 Google Cloud Qatar QFZ LLC Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.1
10018 Microsoft QSTP LLC Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10017 Google Cloud Qatar QFZ LLC Terminated National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10016 Qatar Navigation Q.P.S.C Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10015 Microsoft QSTP LLC Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.0
10014 Qatar Public Prosecution Certified National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.1
* Qatar International Islamic Bank Under Audit National Information Assurance (NIA) v2.1

Status Details

Certified: Organization that has been granted an NISCF Certification Services Certificate of Compliance, which is active (Not expired, withdrawn, suspended, or terminated).

Suspended: Organization that is Certified by NCSA but to which the Certificate of Compliance has been assessed as temporarily invalid until the causes that led to the suspension are resolved as requested by NCSA and following a formal audit procedure verifying the actual implementation of corrective actions.

Withdrawn: Revocation of Certificate of Compliance by NCSA.

Under Audit: Organization that started the Certification process as defined by NCSA and is still undergoing the formal procedure of audit of Compliance for the purpose to get Certified.

Pending NCSA Certification Decision: The Accredited Auditor issued an audit report that has been communicated to NCSA that is reviewing the findings and conclusions included in the report and ensuring that the Accredited Auditor performed the audit in compliance with NISCF Audit Standard requirement before NCSA makes the Certification decision.

Expired: Ending of the validity of the certification after a specified period.

Terminated: Irrevocable stoppage of the validity of the Certificate of Compliance based on the Certified Organization request.