Vision, Mission, Principles
Inspire confidence in Qatar’s national information security and personal data privacy ecosystems.
- To establish and develop an ecosystem fostering personal data protection and individual rights.
- To ensure enforcement of personal data privacy laws and regulations.
- To ensure compliance to information security national and international principals and best practices.
- To advance information security supply chain quality of services through accreditation programs.
- National Cyber Governance and Assurance Affairs operates with openness and transparency providing accessibility to relevant information
- National Cyber Governance and Assurance Affairs impartial decisions are based on defined and transparent criteria in all objectivity with no bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others.
- National Cyber Governance and Assurance Affairs members, committees and boards are professionals with stringent business ethics, impeccable honesty and integrity.
- National Cyber Governance and Assurance Affairs members, committees and boards are independent and able to exercise objectivity and professional skepticism.