National Information Security Compliance Framework (NISCF) Accreditation Workshop
In relation to the National Information Security Compliance Framework (NISCF), the Compliance and Data Protection Department (CDP) at the Qatar National Cybersecurity Agency organized an online workshop to introduce the NISCF Accreditation Program for Service Providers on June 24, 2021.
Eng. Dana Al-Abdulla, Head of CDP, opened the workshop by sharing that based on Emiri decision No.1 of 2021 CDP’s activities including Accreditation were transferred to the National Cybersecurity Agency and that this step is a major move toward securing the state’s cyber space, maintain national cyber security and keep pace with latest developments in the cyber world.
The workshop presented the National Information Security Compliance Framework (NISCF) and the role of the Compliance and Data Protection Department (CDP) in developing, maintaining and operating the framework.
The workshop also included a panel discussion with both Accredited Service Providers, Deloitte & Touche (IS Audit Services) represented by Mrs. Zaynah Vohra, Principal IT Audit and Assurance, and Protiviti (Advisory Services) represented by Mr. Andrew North, Managing Director, to discuss the benefits and added value that the Service Providers and their clients got from Accreditation and share their feedback on their Accreditation journey.
Mrs. Vohra emphasized that process of Accreditation was smooth, especially that CDP did organize multiple workshops that helped Service Providers understand the requirements and the process. She also explained that preparation is needed from the Service Provider side, gathering documentation and ensuring compliance with the requirements before the application, is necessary to ensure that application would be treated and completed rapidly minimizing the clarification requests from CDP.
Mr. North explained that in the last decade he spent working in Qatar and in the region, the Accreditation program is unique and excellent initiative that incited Protiviti to apply for Advisory Accreditation as soon as it was launched in 2019. Mr. North explained that Accreditation provides value for Service Providers and their clients as it provides assurance of the capability to deliver the service in ever changing and evolving cyber environment.
The application process and associated requirements to be followed and fulfilled when applying for NISCF accreditation are also explained along with the associated business rules.
At the end of the workshop, there was a question-and-answer session for the participants to ask questions about the program to ensure that all aspects presented in the workshop were understood by the participants. The workshop was concluded by expressing appreciation to panelists and all participants.
For more information about the Accreditation program provided by CDP, please click here.